· Intel® Core™2 Quad Processor Q9550 (12M Cache, 2.83 GHz, 1333 MHz FSB)
Q9550 12M Cache 2.83 مواصفات وسعر
Q9550 refers to a quad-core desktop processor from Intel’s Core 2 Quad series. It was released in 2008 and is based on the 45nm manufacturing process.
The Q9550 has a clock speed of 2.83 GHz and supports Intel’s Virtualization Technology, which allows multiple operating systems to run on a single computer simultaneously.
The Q9550 also includes 12MB of L2 cache and supports Intel’s 64-bit architecture. While it was a popular processor in its time,
it is now quite outdated and has been surpassed by newer processors in terms of performance and power efficiency.
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